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Forming A Relationship With Forms

May 27, 2016
by Adam Churchill

With a little care and some tough love, you can improve the form completion rates on your site. You might even make them fun.

How? Start by humanizing the language in your forms. Approach the content as a conversation you would like to have with your audience, and use language they would use.

Eliminate the clutter and noise of multiple fields and focus your user’s attention on the information you need to gather. Make every field fight for its existence.

This can be hard, as forms often represent an amalgamation of “asks” across an organization. You’ll need to fight the good fight and argue for clarity, precision, and laser-like focus. Pare-down fields to the bare minimum and remove anything that isn’t required.

Make sure it’s clear to users what they need to be doing, and why it benefits them to share their information with you.